Tuesday, 17 November 2015

There's a very bad smell at Owairaka

Early in the morning we smelt a bad smell. 

Room 10 had some ideas about where it came from....

There’s a very bad smell at Owairaka,
I wonder who made it?

Maybe it’s a lorry. brrm brrm
Maybe the worm bin’s open. creak
Maybe it’s the chickens.  Buk buk
Maybe someone farted. A giant!
Maybe it’s some dog poo.  Oh no it’s on my shoe
Maybe it’s the compost.  Oooh!

There’s a very bad smell at Owairaka, what shall we do about it? 
Put a clothes peg on my nose!
(put a ‘peg’ on your nose and sing it again)

Click here to view a video of The Very Bad Smell Song

Tuesday, 10 November 2015


In August we were lucky to host the Jambus recording studio for the fourth year in a row. Every year, they come and make professional recordings of our student groups. This year, we recorded tracks by the Marimba group, Choir and Kapa Haka group. SEPP ( Summer, Elijah, Paris and Pauline) recorded a song and Ayan recorded his original guitar piece that he played to win Owai's got talent. We are grateful for this opportunity and to the sponsors who make it possible. Here are a couple of tracks and some photos.  

Monday, 2 November 2015

Hot Cross Buns in three parts Room 25

This term, the music room is set up  a bit like an orchestra, with all the bass instruments together and the alto and soprano xylophones all lined up. Look at the concentration shown by these year 3' and 4's to start together, play their own part in time with the others, and stop together. Nice work Room 25!!